When we celebrate communion, we remember the last supper Christ shared with his disciples, as well as his life, death, and resurrection. We also make a bold statement about our belief in the future, in a time when God’s realm of love and justice for all will be established here on earth. Communion unites past, present, and future, bringing together faithful people in every time and place to be nourished by grace and made new by God’s love.
We believe in a radical inclusiveness where all are invited to share at the table. Following the example of Jesus, we welcome everyone—young and old, gay and straight, educated and less educated, rich and poor, believers and doubters, sinners and saints. With special awareness of the insight of John Wesley, founder of Methodism, we believe that God’s grace in communion is not only for baptized Christians, but for every person who desires the nourishment that comes from God. In keeping with our commitment to welcoming all persons, the elements we share in communion include grape juice and gluten-free bread or crackers.
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month, as well as at other special services throughout the year.